As a student studying International Relations I've been exposed to and read about a variety of global systems of ideals. Whole classes have been devoted to perceptions of identity and how they relate to the ideas and culture surrounding the individual. I've seen all of these systems, from Christian Evangelism to Bedouin Tribalism, through the lens of my white, American, quasi upper-classiness. I've had very little opportunity to actually become a part of the issues myself. More importantly, I've always found it difficult to empathize with the aggressors, the bigots or the just plain weird.
This is my experiment: Can I be something else, in every aspect of my life, for a fortnight? Can I be a Maoist? A Buddhist? A Tea Partier?
Who are these people and what makes them different from me? What insights will be gained? How will this change who I am and how I understand the world around me? Will I overuse question marks in the process? Who knows...
For each idea system, lifestyle or religion I will research and then subsequently adopt the canons of a true believer. I'll read the literature, listen to the music and show up to cultural or political functions wearing the weird underwear.
As a college kid in DC I'll have access to all the native foods, embassies and analysis for every group I could dare to attempt. I'll use these resources to the fullest and I'll record as much as I can here.
For two weeks at a time I'll become, as wholly as I can, an alien.
-- Look out John Hurt